January 25, 2011

The Re-fit

I want to say a lot of bad words - but I will spare you. Today I went for my re-fit of the dress. Mainly this re-fit was scheduled because a) the dress was a bit snug in my hips and b) I still hadn't found my shoes.  Today I went to try the dress on again (my god it's beautiful) hoping that the third time would be the charm - but of course there is just one spot that still is a bit snug.  The seamstress isn't 100% that there will be enough material to take it out and kindly advised me "Well if there isn't enough material - you can just wear SPANX."  I have nothing against SPANX - I was just hoping that I wouldn't have to wear them.  I am getting married on a beach.  In the tropics.  It's going to be hot.  I didn't really want to have to be constricted. It looking like that's the way it's going to be.  SIGH!

So I had to book a FINAL FIT! There goes my goal of getting everything done by January 31.  The final fit is on February 14.  Yes valentines day.  That damn dress better fit if I am to splurge on SPANX.

Now excuse me while I wallow with an old friend....
Yes - I do realize that the glass is quite full.  SPANX for noticing.

1 comment:

Randalin @ Harvesting Kale said...

At least you'll have spanx for when you're preggo.

sidenote: if you're reading this comment and you're not Emily, you should know it's a JOKE.