December 30, 2010

New Layout

Can you believe it?  With less than two months to go which means less than two month of life for this wed-blog- my previous layout messed up. It appears that the designers photo bucket site had reached it's maximum bandwidth. With some research I discovered that this happened to several other bloggers.  At first I might have shouted a few curse words, downed a bottle of beer (or two) and then decided to recover. I was never really attached to that particular layout anyhow - I chose it strictly based on the colour scheme.  I never planned on using it after the wedding - I have decided to cut my loses (which by the way was $20.00). 

As you can see my new career as a blog designer has come to fruition. I quickly (and I mean quickly - so don't judge my very lacking inDesign skills - I plan to buy a how-to-book in the new year) whipped up a new header - and shuffled a few things around and we are as good as new.  This means I should probably update some of the content?  All in due time.

So keep your pretty little (or big?) eyes peeled for an update.......

p.s. Are you ready to hit the beach or what?

December 06, 2010

Wannabe DIY Bride.

Most people would not think that ambition is a bad thing - but let me tell you that it can be.  I am always overly ambitious in most tasks I take on.  Why would planning our wedding be any different?  I have a list of DIY projects that I need to pull together in just under three months.  Under three months - jeez we are getting married in less than three months.  OMG!! Anyhow back to the point - being ambitious and also a procrastinator is simply a recipe for disaster.  Planning a destination wedding was supposed to be a piece of cake (and trust me it's pretty easy) but I have found a way to make it stressful and a lot more work then it needs to be. The more the pressure is on - the less I want to do it.  I am positive I will busting out stuff moments before boarding the plane.  Why Emily - why must you do this to yourself?  But at least all of you will be so excited to see (and receive) all the lovely goodies I have (or will have) prepared for you.  Perhaps when I start these outstanding projects I will post some pictures? Until then - you'll just have to sit and wait in suspense.  You are so curious right now, aren't you?

Seriously though - next time I see something I like and then say "Oh, I can make that" just stop me - let me buy it - because let's get real I don't have time to work full-time, do part-time courses and plan a wedding.  But alas, I will find the time to get it down.