January 04, 2011

Facebook Vs. Blogger

When our invitations were first sent out - it was discussed whether to create a Facebook group or create a wedding website.  I immediately figured that a wed-blog would be the best choice for us and for myself. It's a great way to convey information and keep everyone updated.  Also, I dream on a daily basis about entering the world of blogging but really who is interested in reading a blog about a girl who attempts to sew, travels instead of having children, works a full-time plus job and is obsessed with taking pictures of her cat?
Well like most blogs I have started - I slacked.  I didn't update regularly enough and most people probably forgot that we even created this wed-blog.  So with the new year chalked full of resolutions - it was decided - I would create a Facebook group. Because honestly that's where everyone is hanging out. Did you get the invite?  Check your notifications because I am sure it's there.  If you didn't - let me know and I'll get on it. I plan to use the newly created Facebook group as a place where you can all chat together (not that people do that) but honestly if you have a question - post it there - it's a private (insert exclusive) group so go wild (but not too wild - unless you want to?!).  Speaking of wild...
Don't be like Basil - drink responsibly

1 comment:

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just for the record, I would read a blog about anything you write because I like you Miss Emily and youre a funny gal.

And I even like Basil even though he is mean.